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Son of Sam killer says he ‘surrendered to dark forces’

NEW YORK (AP) — The “Son of Sam” killer who terrorized New York 40 years ago says he thought he was doing something “to appease the devil.”
David Berkowitz told CBS News in an interview broadcast Friday ( ) that he “surrendered to those very dark forces” when he killed six people and wounded seven.
Thursday was the 40th anniversary of Berkowitz’s Aug. 10, 1977 arrest.
CBS’ Maurice Dubois interviewed Berkowitz at the prison where he is serving a life sentence.
The 64-year-old Berkowitz is now a born-again Christian.
He said he’s “very sorry for what happened” and he wishes he could “go back and change things”
Dubois asked Berkowitz what he would say to his 23-year-old self.
Berkowitz says he would tell himself to “turn around before it’s too late because destruction is coming.”



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