
Showing posts from April 11, 2017

Trump to sell attack planes to Nigeria

Trump to sell attack planes to Nigeria The United State is said to be ready to sell high-tech aircraft to Nigeria for its campaign against Boko Haram Islamic extremists. The Congress according to is expected to receive formal notification setting in motion a deal with Nigeria which the Obama administration had planned to approve at the very end of Barack Obama’s presidency. The arrangement will call for Nigeria to purchase up to 12 Embraer A-29 Super Tucano aircraft with sophisticated targeting gear for nearly $600 million, one of the officials said. /     Buhari and Trump  The officials were not authorized to discuss the terms of the sale publicly and requested anonymity to speak about internal diplomatic conversations. Though President Donald Trump has made clear his intention to approve the sale of the aircraft, the National Security Council is still working on the issue. Military sales to several other countries are also expected to be approved bu

Obama Expected at Protestant Event in Berlin Next Month

Obama Expected at Protestant Event in Berlin Next Month FILE - U.S. President Barack Obama arrives with German Chancellor Angela Merkel to speak in front of the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, Germany June 19, 2013. BERLIN —  Organizers say former U.S. President Barack Obama will take part in a discussion event with Chancellor Angela Merkel at a German Protestant conference in Berlin next month as Germany marks the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. News agency dpa reported Tuesday that the May 25 event will take place in front of Berlin's landmark Brandenburg Gate, where Obama delivered a speech as president in 2013. The discussion on "shaping democracy — taking responsibility at home and in the world" is part of the German Protestant Kirchentag conference, held every two years. Obama's successor, Donald Trump, is expected to visit Germany for the first time as president when Merkel hosts the Group of 20 summit in Hamburg in July. Martin Luther

Hardliners Think Trump has Unfinished Immigration Business

Hardliners Think Trump has Unfinished Immigration Business RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA —  One issue that President Donald Trump's hard-line supporters care most about is immigration. While the president has signed three executive orders on the subject, he has said nothing about the so-called dreamers, undocumented young people who were brought to the U.S. as children and protected under the 2012 Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals Program or DACA. The immigration restrictionists are not happy. “DACA must be ended,” wrote Ronald W. Mortenson last month for a Center for Immigration Studies blog. “We fully expect them to do so,” wrote Roy Beck of Numbers USA, announcing an end-DACA Twitter campaign in January. In Raleigh, North Carolina, William Gheen is taking protest a step further. President of his own political action committee, Americans for Legal Immigration, Gheen says he was an early endorser of the president. But if Trump does not end DACA in a matter

Donald Trump Jr Nixes 2018 New York Bid, But Maybe Later

Donald Trump Jr Nixes 2018 New York Bid, But Maybe Later FILE - Donald Trump Jr., son of then-Republican nominee Donald Trump, is seen at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio, July 19, 2016. NEW YORK —  Donald Trump Jr., rumored to be eyeing a move to follow his father's footsteps into politics, will not be a candidate for governor of New York next year but is not ruling out a possible run for office in the future. The younger Trump, in an interview Monday with The Associated Press, categorically denied any speculation that he might challenge incumbent Gov. Andrew Cuomo. "I am not running in 2018," Trump said in his first public comments about a possible candidacy next year. But he acknowledged having been bitten by the politics bug and said that he could consider a run down the road. "Maybe someday," Trump said. "It's not something I'm doing now. But you never know, it's fascinating stuff." The polit

South Africa's Zuma Accuses Protesters of Racism After Marches

South Africa's Zuma Accuses Protesters of Racism After Marches Demonstrators protest against South African President Jacob Zuma in Pretoria, South Africa, April 7, 2017. JOHANNESBURG —  South African President Jacob Zuma on Monday accused some protesters of racism after marches last week that drew tens of thousands of people demanding his resignation, while the opposition announced plans for a new protest. More than 60,000 people marched in South African cities on Friday in largely peaceful protests to demand Zuma quit after a cabinet reshuffle set off the latest crisis of his presidency. Speaking at a memorial to commemorate the 24th anniversary of the assassination of anti-apartheid and Communist Party leader Chris Hani - whose murder led to nationwide riots - Zuma said South Africa had not yet built a non-racial society decades after white-minority rule ended in 1994. South African President Jacob Zuma attends a commemoration for anti-apartheid leader