
Showing posts from October 28, 2017

Former Guatemala leader Otto Pérez Molina to face trial

Image copyright AFP Image caption Mr Perez Molina has been in custody since 2015 A judge in Guatemala has ruled that former president Otto Pérez Molina will stand trial for his alleged role in a huge corruption scheme involving the country's customs service. The scandal prompted unprecedented mass street protests in Guatemala in 2015. It led to the resignation and arrest of Mr Pérez Molina and former vice-president Roxana Baldetti. They are accused of taking a cut from bribes channelled to officials helping businesses evade customs duties. Both strongly deny the accusations. The bribery scam has become known as "La Linea" or "The Line", after the hotline businesses allegedly rang to clear their imports through customs at cut-price rates. 'Neither corrupt, nor a thief' Judge Miguel Ángel Gálvez, in Guatemala City, said that Mr Pérez Molina and Ms Baldetti were aware of the irregularities and received millions of dollars in bribes. Image c

Facebook to show who buys political ads

Image copyright REUTERS Image caption Tech giants are under pressure to improve transparency of political ads Facebook has announced measures to make political advertising on the social media platform more transparent. Political advertisers will have to verify their identity and location and their posts will carry a disclosure saying "paid for by". The steps come amid allegations that Russian-backed groups used social media ads to interfere in the US election. Executives from Facebook and other internet giants will testify before a Senate hearing on Tuesday. "When it comes to advertising on Facebook, people should be able to tell who the advertiser is and see the ads they're running, especially for political ads," Rob Goldman, Facebook's vice president of ads,  said in a blog post. By clicking on the "paid for by" disclosure, users would be able to see more details about the advertiser, he added. Facebook uncovers 'Russian-funded&

Greek man arrested over letter bombs sent to EU officials

Image copyright AFP/GETTY IMAGES Image caption The former Greek PM was injured in May when he opened one of the explosives inside of his car Greek police say they have arrested a man in Athens in connection with a series of letter bomb attacks on EU officials earlier this year. Eight packages were intercepted in Athens in March after  booby-trapped post was sent to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Paris  and the German finance minister in Berlin. Former Greek PM Lucas Papademos was then injured by a parcel-bomb  in May. A 29-year-old Greek man was arrested by anti-terror police on Saturday. Police said in a statement that they were looking for other suspects in relation to the investigation. Image copyright AFP Image caption An employee at the IMF offices in Paris suffered burns while opening one of the letters earlier this year It is not clear if the man is linked to the Greek far-left group Conspiracy of Fire Cells which said it was responsible for the device sent

Tanzania deports lawyers accused of 'promoting homosexuality'

Image copyright TANZANIA Image caption The group met in Tanzania Tanzania has deported three South African lawyers after they were accused of promoting homosexuality. They were among 13 people arrested on 17 October for taking part in a meeting to discuss challenging a law stopping private health clinics from providing HIV and Aids services. However, Sibongile Ndashe says they had no right to do so, and has accused authorities in Dar es Salaam of holding her and her colleagues "hostage". Homosexuality is a crime in Tanzania. Lazaro Mambosasa, chief of Dar es Salaam police, told reporters after the lawyers initial arrests that "they were promoting homosexuality". Zanzibar arrests 20 over homosexuality Tanzania threat to list gay people The arrests followed a September speech by Deputy Health Minister Hamisi Kingwangalla, who vowed in front of parliament to "fight with all our strength against groups supporting homosexuality in our country,"

JFK files: FBI anxious to 'convince public' about Oswald

Image copyright GETTY IMAGES Image caption President Kennedy was shot dead in Dallas on 22 November 1963 Thousands of previously classified documents relating to the assassination of President John F Kennedy in 1963 have been released by the US government. Since the publication, President Donald Trump  has said he will release all remaining files  other than the names and addresses of anyone mentioned who is still living - some of the documents have been withheld at the request of government agencies. As people examine all 2,800 files so far released , here are the most interesting points so far. NB many files contain unverified raw intelligence. FBI concerned about conspiracy theories In a memo written the day assassin Lee Harvey Oswald was killed,  FBI director J Edgar Hoover expressed concern about the spread of conspiracy theories . "The thing I am concerned about is having something issued so that we can convince the public that Oswald is the real assassin,"